'\"Do it for the Dough\" is back with Teala Dunn and Tristan Tales!! Join them as they compete against each other to see how many people they can get to do the Instant Fashion Designer Challenge! Are you TEAM TEALA or TEAM TRISTAN?! Big Game Pour Challenge!! | Do It For The Dough w/ Tessa Brooks and Tristan Tales - http://bit.ly/2BlAyzi Unicorn Makeover Challenge!| Do It For The Dough w/ Tessa Brooks and Tristan Tales - http://bit.ly/2DRcF1S PB&J Hairstyle Challenge!| Do It For The Dough w/ Tessa Brooks and Chance Sutton - http://bit.ly/2zJqW0Z Ice Bath Challenge!| Do It For The Dough w/ Tessa Brooks and Chance Sutton - https://youtu.be/Cl25_i8oKWc → Credits ← Starring: Teala Dunn and Tristan Tales Executive Producer/Director: Chris Babers Producer/Director: Justin Harrison Associate Producer: Nick Haddad Line Producer: Cheryl L. Bedford Consulting Producer: Ed Beckford Production Coordinator: Vanessa Naive DP: Marshall Douglis Cam Op: Herbie Wei Cam Op: Sophie Bruza Sound: Blake Christian Sound: Chris Omae Production Designer: Kyle Haro Key Set PA: Mike Golod Art PA: Gianni Amber North PA: Nick Ruff PA: Taylor Cross Sound Mixers: Roland Quimbao and Rommel Suniga Prop Master: Jake Woodham Production Coordinators: Brooke Sullivan and Alex Jungers Production Assistants: Matt Rosowitz, Kevin Munroe, AJ Martinez →SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS DAILY!← http://bit.ly/subscribe2AwesomenessTV →GET MORE AWESOMENESS← http://awesomenesstv.com/ →JOIN THE SQUAD← http://bit.ly/ATVSquad →DOWNLOAD THE AWESOMENESSTV APP!← Android - http://bit.ly/1H7kn6f iOS - http://bit.ly/RoJl99 → follow AwesomenessTV! ← twitter - http://twitter.com/awesomenessTV instagram - http://instagram.com/awesomenessTV tumblr - http://awesomenessTV.tumblr.com facebook - http://facebook.com/awesomenessTV google+ - https://plus.google.com/+AwesomenessTV snapchat - awesomenesstv → Check out all our shows! ← Beauty, Fashion and DIY - http://bit.ly/ATVBeauty Musicians Behind-the-Scenes - http://bit.ly/MusiconATV AwesomenessTV Shows - http://bit.ly/ATVShows Comedy Sketches, Countdowns and Pranks - http://bit.ly/ATVFunny → #TeamATV ← join the AwesomenessTV Network for freebies and youtube support... you could even get featured here on AwesomenessTV! http://awesomenesstvnetwork.com'
Tags: DreamWorks , awesomenesstv , awesomenessTV Network , dare challenge , team 10 , tessa brooks , teala dunn , tristan tales , Do it for the Dough , DIFTD , Do It For The Dough w/ Ayydubs and Hunter March , Do It For The Dough w/ Teala Dunn and Tristan Tales
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